Tips for Reading Quickly

Not everyone likes to read. One look at the comments section of viral Facebook posts would prove this. Some do try to read but without a serious attempt to understand the content of articles, granted that they have available data to access those articles instead of reacting solely based on headlines.

But for those who would like to take reading seriously or step it up a notch, let me share some tips that worked for me not just in school but also in my career and leisure (reading my favorite books fast). These helped me read and understand more content in less time. Friends and colleagues often comment "You're such a fast reader MJ!"

Speaking of time, start by getting your current reading speed with a print material and a stop watch. Then, after applying the following tips with various content, grab the initial one you used and time yourself again to know your progress.

1. When you first practice to be a speed reader, remove distractions such as TV, phones, and other gadgets. Once you've gotten used to speed reading, you'll find it easy to do even with distractions already present.

2. Do not re-read or go back to the text. It wastes time, resulting from lack of concentration.

3. Do not move your lips while reading. Sub-vocalizing slows your pace.

4. To help maintain your focus, use your finger or a pen to track your reading.

5. Be consistent. Keep on reading because the greater exposure to different content you have, the better you'll get at speed reading.

And thanks for reading up to this point!


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