Grateful 2014

I won't end the year without saying thanks for the memorable things that happened and for the people who have been part of it.

1.Becoming more independent

The biggest change that happened this year is when I packed my things and started on my own. For my friends and the followers of this blog, you would know how close to my parents I am. Though ready to face the world without separation anxiety, missing home had been an inevitable part of the new set-up.

2. My 28th birthday

What better way to celebrate it than being with my closest friends and family? These people have been with me for a good number of years. I truly hold our friendship dear. And their sweet surprise: Turning the simple dinner to a cake party with their gifts!

3. Being a trainer

Mid-year, I got the job that I wanted: Training employees. In a short span of time, I was also given the opportunity to pilot a program which paved the way to new challenges and little successes - day by day. I am now handling classes comprised of around 20 people with the curriculum running for a month or two.

4. Being in a relationship with Carl

This is among the unanticipated gifts I received this year. I have known him since the start of 2012 until we fully grasped the love we have for each other. He is kind, wise, gentle and witty. He is critical too, and we don't agree all the time. But our love does not rest on a particular quality, so this man should be for keeps!

5. Wisdom family and the Dugenia-Mallari Wedding

Wisdom was our section in fourth year high school. We consistently held yearly reunions and met during special occasions. This December, high school couple Ryan and Laleine got married after 12 years of being together. It was a long distance relationship, with Leine migrating to Canada before finishing college. Theirs is a story of commitment, understanding and patience.

I'm keeping my list short and sweet. Now ready for 2015!


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