When It's Wiser to Trust
Do you find it easier to let go, or to fight for what you believe is right?
Perhaps when I was younger (in my teens and twenties), the tendency was towards the latter. Why would you keep quiet if someone wronged you or if things aren't happening the way they should? My friends, school, and other environmental factors trained me to stand up for what's right.
This idea made me value fairness so much, but later did I realize what other people say: Life is never fair. There are harsh realities we have to face, and there are circumstances when it's wiser to trust. We've heard it so many times: Let go and let God. But it seems that our nature drives us to insist, to go for it, to argue and have sleepless nights. If you are here at this point of your life, surrender in prayer.
By some coincidence, I got a note on one of my packages which said "Trust that things will fall into place." Though this post is about letting go, this is not to say that the process is easy for me to do. Recently, an issue bothered me for a number of days but soon as I stopped thinking about it and pushing for how things should be, that was when "things fell into place." Other people came to realize what was wrong without me needing to tell them about it. I knew it would happen, but how soon it did, that was pretty amazing!
This is also not to say that we should be quiet all the time. We are gifted with knowledge and wisdom, the ability to speak up and to think of others. Whatever you do, pray for discernment. If it helps, write it down and analyze yourself: Why are you responding to situations the way you do? Is it for the good of everyone concerned? Are you just leaning on your own understanding? Have you tried to see things from the other's perspective? Make sure to end with solutions and this includes things that YOU can do to make things better.
Ultimately, we cannot control every thing. But let me end with Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God.