Ellana 4.4 Sale

Since Ellana Mineral Cosmetics (please click my affiliate link to shop) is having a sale of up to 50% OFF and free shipping for a minimum purchase worth 500 pesos, I thought of sharing my wishlist here today.

First and foremost in my lineup of skin-loving products is their Gentle Low PH Gel Cleanser. I don't need to get expensive facial cleansers since a 60-gram bottle would only cost 199 pesos. My consideration for getting this is that first, I got sensitive skin and second, I want something that's non-drying.

I'd also need a primer (to blur pores and help makeup last longer), moisturizer, and sunscreen. Good thing the DDCC Moisturizing Primer combined all of these in just one step. This is recommended for those with combination to dry skin.

The last item for today's list is unfortunately sold out at the moment but once they restock, I recommend you get this pair. I've previously purchased their powder and lip brushes. Not only are they aesthetically appealing, the quality (velvety-soft synthetic bristles) is superb too.

I hope you'd visit the Ellana store today to either replenish your makeup kit or try new products based on your evolving skincare needs. Or save my affiliate link for future use:


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